Jean-Baptiste NIYONGABO

Board secretary
Jean-Baptiste NIYONGABO
Jean-Baptiste is a Burundian national, currently working as Deputy Country Representative for Famine Early Warning Systems Network – Early Warning Team (FEWS NET), USAID founded program in Bujumbura from February 2020 to now where he is providing high quality and effective early warning of threats to food security.
Supporting efforts to mitigate food insecurity and prevent food crises through the production of actionable, evidence-based food security analysis by Organizing project documentation and files and updating all essential data used in food security early warning monitoring and assessment.
Prior to joining FEWS NET Burundi, he has coordinated several research and food security projects in United Nations World Food programmes (WFP), Welthungerhilfe and other local nongovernmental organization in Burundi. Jean-Baptiste has expertise in research, assessment and evaluation, Early warnings analysis and food security classification and natural resource management. Ecological monitoring for spatial and problem identification with GIS. Market assessment and other contextual analysis and community social mobilization on Social Behaviour Change Communication SBCC and capacity building in development settings including gender.
Jean-Baptiste hold a master’s degree in development studies, Specialization in Environmental Management at University Senghor of Alexandria (Egypt).